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Blame My Shelf - The Beginning

As many others have, I have been considering starting a blog for many years, and now is as good a time as any to start the plunge. There is no ulterior motive - I don't imagine this will make me millions, or a household name in the slightest, but I have been looking for an outlet for all things literary for too long.

I am 21 years old and live on the South Coast of England. I am an aspiring solicitor, and the main hobby I have to speak of throughout my life has always been reading. As many an avid reader can testify, we were the children whose parents threatened to take away our light bulbs because we were reading, far into the night, and I have this to blame for my over flowing bookcases to date. Other hobbies, including running, cooking, baking and languages are always much more of a 'task' to me than picking a new volume out from a book shop or nestling down with an old favourite. Ultimately, I believe one day that I would like to write my own books, however this is a time tested phrase I am sure many of us have thrown around at some point or another, but nonetheless, I love the idea.

In  terms of genre, I tend to move between them - potentially not the wisest move for starting a blog with an audience, however I feel this is true to life. In my teenage years I was (and am) a Caitlin Moran obsessive, paired with every book Nick Hornby has ever written, alongside old favourites like the Brontes, Austen and Evelyn Waugh. Current favourites comprise a wide selection, notably Lauren Groff, however I currently tend to pick out anything I find interesting in the new releases charts, or look between the Man Booker or Pulitzer shortlists.

I hope this serves as a suitably short yet comprehensive introduction to Blame My Shelf, where I can finally chronicle my latest reads. Unsurprisingly, I will likely not include books I have read that I have not enjoyed - these things are all subjective, and I am stubborn and always like to see a book through to the bitter end, no matter how terrible. Similarly, I always ignore the bad reviews on Good Reads or Amazon anyway, so I do not see a lot of point in being purely negative about someone else's work online.



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